Chloe Chu
International Studies/Political Science :: Elizabeth & Joseph Taft Scholar

- Profile
Chloe hopes to pursue a career in public service law, possibly on an international level. Her work experience, myriad extracurricular activities and awards, and strong academics are in sync with her goals. Currently she is Director of External Affairs and a Student Advocate with the Office of Student Advocacy where she counsels students accused of violating academic integrity or conduct policies. She also participated in the Discover the Law Program hosted by UCSD Student Legal Services, where she received a Certificate of Special Recognition. She is enrolled in Eleanor Roosevelt College.
Her activities are not all directly related to the law. She is a research assistant to a PhD candidate working on a dissertation related to race and international intervention. Some of that research sadly involves mass atrocities overseas. On the lighter side, she is the Finance Chair for Poseidon’s Closet, the UCSD Thrift and Sustainability Club, and also finds time to serve as a Conversation Leader in the English-in-Action Program which supports international students adapting to a different language and culture. She is committed to “being a platform for those without a voice” and she demonstrated that passion when she was editor-in-chief of her high school paper. That work contributed to her having been awarded the Clayton H. Brace Communications Scholarship.
Off campus, Chloe served as a Judicial Extern for a district judge where she began to hone her legal research and analytical skills. She also participated in AmeriCorps as a Justice Corps student member working in the California State Court system. She currently serves as a volunteer intern with the Legal Aid Society of San Diego where she assists litigants with sometimes daunting paperwork and procedures.
She credits her “rocky upbringing” with instilling a “strong sense of social responsibility and empathy for those facing systemic barriers.” Her passion for the pursuit of justice informs her plans to attend law school, and she hopes to “make meaningful contributions to global governance and human rights advocacy.”