Andrea Luna
Visual Arts :: Dorothea Laub Scholar

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Andrea, a student in John Muir College, is now a Visual Arts (Art History/Criticism) major following “one of the most difficult decisions in my life.” She entered UC San Diego with her mind set on a medical career, majoring in Human Biology. In her first year, much of her academic curriculum and extracurricular activities catered to her interest in science and medicine. She took part in two mentorship programs and worked in a neuroscience lab. “I made a strong image of myself through the opportunities I pursued.”
In her second year, Andrea switched her major to Art History. It was a scary career choice. “I cherish my strength in taking a leap of faith and pursuing something I am truly passionate about.” She had found Visual Arts. By the end of that year, she was grateful for her decision. “While it took time to adapt to this new genre of writing and research I engaged deeper with the material.” Performing well academically, she received Provost Honors. “I am proud of being able to adapt to difficult change, especially when being low-income and first generation.”
“Art in its many forms, has always been a major aspect of my life.” In her studies at UC San Diego, Andrea fell in love with the history of art and its development through the centuries. She began to embrace her culture further when beginning to learn about Mayan art. She was also introduced to the field of computer science and its application to the art world. Video games with its animation and use of anatomy and lighting has led her to a goal of becoming a video game developer or work in the film industry. She chose Interdisciplinary Computer and the Arts as a minor. “Becoming a video game developer, or even an animator requires a lot of time commitment and effort. I want to apply this academic rigor into something meaningful. I wish to work in an industry that caters to younger generations.”