Olivier Rogers
NanoEngineering :: Dawn ’87 and Matt Grob Family Scholar

- Profile
Before beginning his college studies, Olivier spent several years in central Europe working with humanitarian organizations. “I saw how providing help in one area, such as entertainment or vocational opportunities for children, can sometimes add just enough relief to allow people to refocus their energy in ways that are helpful.” Since the age of 13, he has also had experience with vehicle maintenance and construction. “I have seen how the effects of changes in one area are seldom isolated to that one area alone. Learning about history and social systems has also provided insights on how changes work within systems.” This interest in systems is one of the reasons Olivier was attracted to nano-engineering which takes the concept of change in systems to an extreme level. “I am interested in systems and how small changes in one area can affect the system as a whole.”
The COVID-19 pandemic threw a curve in the Revelle College student’s study habits, even more so than the transition from community college to UC San Diego. “Over the course of this last year I have come to realize that part of my loss in motivation was a result of uncertainty about the future and whether my long-term plans would fit with upcoming reality.” Recognizing this uncertainty and how it has been a drain on his motivation has allowed Olivier to separate his concerns about the future from his potential to enjoy what he is doing at the present. “While it is not always easy to put in the needed effort, especially as a re-entry student who has concerns about fitting in with my peer students, some of the stress brought on by deadlines has been reduced by recognizing that while I have concerns, I can still enjoy the present. This has allowed me to maintain good progress in my studies in a way that I feel will be sustainable.”