Michael Tesis
Political Science/Public Law :: Dorothea Laub Scholar

- Profile
As a first-generation American, first-generation college student, and student from a low-income household, Michael considers his place at UC San Diego a great personal achievement. “Starting out as one face among thousands within a giant campus was frightening, but I wanted to adapt to college life despite being totally unfamiliar with it. Through my own hard work as well as taking advantage of the programs and Professors’ extracurricular offers I learned how to be a successful university student and have been improving consistently.” With the COVID-19 pandemic upending what he knew to be familiar, Michael has continued to dedicate himself to his education, making adjustments to create an environment he could best learn in during these unprecedented times. “From what I learn in course material, to the human experiences gained, UC San Diego has been a lesson in knowledge building and empathy, that I can apply to my current work on behalf of the student body, community at large, and can carry through my career into the future.”
The Muir College Political Science/Public Law major also has a passion for art. “From visual elements, to writing, to the personal performances I can provide for others, this is how I have benchmarked myself as being dedicated to my work. Whether it be a class project, my policy work as a member of Associated Students, or in my volunteering capacities, going beyond the basic requirements of a task not only brings a sense of appreciation to others but in myself as well.”
With a career goal of being involved in the legal system, Michael believes in applying the law in a responsible manner, taking the necessary steps to make a case for change. “As a child of immigrants in a country that has roots to deny equity of opportunity, my own personal resistance to oppressive forces can win out through my own success. I hope to empower others in their strides for success as well. I believe we all progress as a society when we all can be successful in whatever ways we find value.”