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Pei-Wen Yang


Pei-Wen Yang

What do you want to be when you grow up? Dentist!

After immigrating to the United States from Taiwan when she was five, Pei-Wen and her family spent many years homeless as her parents struggled to make a living, after leaving lucrative positions behind for a better opportunity for Pei-Wen and her older sister to thrive in America. They came to California. “My dental health was poor and I had many severe cavities due to poor diet. Abscesses often grew in my gums, and my adult teeth erupted at odd angles.” She had many lengthy dental procedures done and her dentists continuously polished and filled her teeth with composite fillings. It was because of these frequent visits that Pei-Wen became interested in dentistry. “I would ask the dentists questions about their prickly tools and whirling brushes. These experiences prompted a purpose in my life. I had found a dream career that incorporates both my medical and artistic passion: Dentistry. Dentistry involves the artistry of molding and sculpting human teeth—not only am I able to grant aid with my medical knowledge on people, but my creativity would have a chance to shine. From this, I knew that this was a profession that I would enjoy thoroughly.”

Drawing on anything and everything as a three-year-old, the ribbons won in art contests as her skills grew, the ladder she stood on in the school cafeteria helping to paint a mural, and many other expressions of art she has created through the years would now be translated into artistic dentistry to help patients such as she was have the bright, confident smile she now shares has. But first she needed her undergraduate degree! “As someone who came from a poverty-stricken high school in a rural town, I had much fewer opportunities for success than someone who attended a high school in a suburban neighborhood. I was the only student from my high school class to go to a UC. Will I be able to keep up with other students at UC San Diego? Will I ever feel a sense of belonging among my incredible peers?”

Not only was she doing well academically, but Pei-Wen joined the Pre-Dental Society student organization which aided her in becoming one step closer to her dream. She had the opportunity to volunteer/shadow in clinics, as well as receiving a life-time dental x-ray certificate.

“As a first generation Asian American and college student, I hope for a future where my experiences of homelessness would help me to become an ambassador that attends to the basic needs of homeless or financially troubled children. I believe a perfect smile signifies joy and confidence within an individual, despite their varying experiences and hardships. I endeavor to bring my future patients these “perfect smiles” that I wish to personally create with respect to all my patients’ diverse background with my careful and artistic hands.”