Robert Walter
Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience :: Sally & Louis Higger Scholar

- Profile
Robert is a nontraditional student. Actually, very nontraditional. In addition to being older and raising a family, his life experiences include wrestling alligators, wrangling cobras and corralling scorpions. “Before coming to UC San Diego, I overcame our family’s financial hardships by opening a retail exotic pet store, and worked as an animal wrangler for numerous reality TV shows includingFear Factor, Total Blackout andNational Geographic. Within three years, I found success, with five full-time employees and hundreds of five-star reviews on sites like Yelp, yet I felt unfulfilled without completing my education or pursuing my childhood dreams of scientific research.”
One of Robert’s proudest personal milestones was finding the courage to make the sacrifice to change his life’s direction, “not out of necessity, as my business was doing quite well, but to reach my fullest potential and better position myself to give back to the world.”
Robert has carried an extraordinary class load, averaging more than 25 units a quarter (12 to 16 is considered full time) and achieving a GPA of 3.91. His goal is a double major in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience and philosophy, with a biology minor. “I’m currently working on an honors thesis in cognitive science and will start one in philosophy in the fall, allowing me to graduate in both majors with distinction.” He’s also working in two research labs and has found the time to mentor and tutor struggling fellow undergraduates.
Robert earned the opportunity to participate in a cognitive science global seminar in Sydney, Australia, and he traveled to Belize for an “alternative spring break” program that aims to improve safe living conditions, youth development and public health awareness in a small community.
“My immediate goal is to balance my family obligations with my educational pursuits, so that I can be the husband and father that I aspire to be, while completing my undergraduate education with distinction. I’m very excited to submit my first first-author publications in the coming year.” He’s determined to graduate Summa Cum Laude next year.
“My dream is to become a researcher and professor at a university where I can best fulfill my personal ambitions as a scientist, provide stability and support for my family, and add a modest contribution to the totality of human knowledge.”