Sarah Amouzandeh
Political Science

- Profile
Scanning Sarah’s resume – which includes a summer law program at Georgetown University and an internship in the district office of a U.S. Representative – it’s clear that this young woman has a passion. “I have learned about the inextricable connection between law and politics from my courses and through firsthand experience at internships with government officials. While an intern I became aware of the dedication of Congressional and Senate staff as they work hard to ensure that constituents’ needs are being met.” Believers like Sarah offer us hope.
Inspired by her experiences, Sarah has channeled her drive by representing her classmates on the student senate of her community college, and coordinated a Legislative Advocacy Day that brought regional, state and federal representatives to campus. Since transferring to UC San Diego she has co-founded a Women in Politics student organization, the purpose of which is “to provide information, access and firsthand experience through conferences to educate members on the opportunities and ways to get involved in politics, as well as create positive change at the local, state and federal level.” Sarah also finds fulfillment tutoring eighth-grade students at The Preuss School UCSD, “where I get to share my passion for history and American government!”
As the daughter of an Iranian immigrant, Sarah is very familiar with the process of becoming a United States citizen, so “I’ve been learning about civil liberties and fundamental rights, which holds extraordinary value to me. One class is a combination of constitutional law and American history that explores the cyclical nature of the past. I see these recurring political and social trends as a means of looking forward into the future while allowing us to avoid the mistakes of the past.”
Sarah’s plans include law school after completing her undergraduate degree at UC San Diego. “I am becoming more interested in international law as I see how laws are shaped and created by individuals sitting in rooms – people who will never be affected by them, or may or may not have their citizens’ best interests at heart.”
To that end, after attending a Discover the Law seminar on JusticeCorps, Sarah applied for the program and has recently been accepted. She will be helping pro se litigants with business and small claims at the San Diego Courthouse.
“I’d like to thank Town & Gown for this generosity. I was both surprised and honored to receive this scholarship from your organization. As one of this year’s recipients, I am grateful for the opportunities this award will provide me. This award will relieve my financial burden by allowing me to spend more time on my studies and focus on my classes. As well as the time to participate in the JusticeCorps program and continue my duties as a Secretary for Women in Politics.”