Angela Becerra
Public Health :: Minerva Kunzel Scholar

- Profile
Angela believes from her heart and knows from experience that there are disparities in access to health and education that are challenging yet “certainly solvable.” Her own success against mighty odds is her guiding principle. Angela is personally familiar with the ways in which substance abuse and addiction can tear apart a family; she adopted her niece as the result of such issues. “I know what it’s like to have $10 to feed a family for a week, and I know how to pick up the pieces and move forward.”
Because an unintended pregnancy put her early plans for higher education on hold, Angela is now a non-traditional student who has returned to college passionately motivated to achieving her goal of graduating summa cum laude. This she sees as a step toward a PhD in Public Health that will empower her with “the knowledge to minimize the health disparities that exist in our community, our country and our world.” As for her children, the oldest is on a pre-med track at UC Santa Barbara, the middle child is in high school, the youngest in middle school, and Angela is making sure everyone gets the chance to earn a college degree.